Can a kiss a day keep the doctor away?  Wow – wouldn’t that be great!  If that were the case, if kissing could be both fun and healthy, how cool would that be?  In a recent interview, Andrea Demirjian, author of “Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One of Life’s Sweetest Pleasures,” offered eight reasons why she thinks this just might be the case.  I want to share these eight benefits with you.

  • Kissing reduces your blood pressure. It helps dilate your blood vessels which may lead to lower pressure.
  • It can relieve cramps and headaches. The reason for this is similar to the one above.
  • Kissing can fight cavities. It can produce saliva which washes away plaque.  I know, not too romantic, but practical.
  • You may feel happier. Kissing can cause the release of neurotransmitters in the brain that lead to feelings of happiness, satisfaction, and even bonding.
  • Kissing can burn calories. A vigorous kiss may burn 8 to 16 calories.
  • Your self-esteem may be boosted. Higher incomes were earned by the men in a study who received a passionate kiss from their wives before leaving for work.  Just think – if you want your spouse to earn more money, maybe a morning kiss is the trick.
  • Kissing can tone your facial muscles.
  • If you are not married but are searching, kissing has been shown to be a measure of compatibility.

So, here is this week’s tip – not overly profound but important nonetheless:  Go kiss your spouse.