My wife and I have four grandkids ranging from 6 months to 4 years of age. As I have watched the newest one with her mother, I continue to be fascinated with the bonding process. I know from watching Erica interacting with our granddaughter, just how vital and easily that connection can happen. And securely attached children demonstrate a greater confidence in exploring the world, even into adulthood.

Yet, we are clearly see the attachment process for our kids under attack. We are often able to have cell phones, computers, T.V.s, and tablets all within eyesight during our waking hours. The results for children can be frightening. Research has shown that:

  • Children in the U.S. and U.K., by age 7, will have spent one full year of 24 hour days watching screen media.
  • The average American child between 8 and 18 spends 7 hours per day on video games, cell phones, etc.
  • Television viewing for kids under three is linked to delayed language development.
  • Excessive screen time for adolescents is linked to emotional and conduct problems and difficulties with peers.

As adults, we know, or at least sense, that we need to be connected to flesh and blood people. Unfortunately, many seek to fulfill that need in a virtual world, which pulls us away from genuine connection and intimacy. I want to encourage you today to move your kids as well as yourself towards the power of God’s attachment design – and rebuild true connection with your loved ones.