What do you choose?  We make choices everyday – should I get a big Mac or a salad? (I know the best answer – but don’t always like it)  Will I watch the movie or change the channel to a sitcom?  Do I wear the blue shirt or the maroon one?   Hundreds of choices are made daily without batting an eye.  But sometimes those choices are about how we treat people, and we don’t always do as well in that arena.

Consider for moment that before the day is over you will probably decide whether or not to cut someone off in traffic in reaction to a perceived offense; if you will reply harshly to someone who has snapped at you; whether to respond with love or retaliation to the hurtful behaviors of another; or taking the high road or getting down into the mud with someone who doesn’t seem to care about your feelings.  Choices.  And those choices will often determine the direction of those relationships as well as how you feel about them and yourself.

I appreciate the words of author Steven Mosley who writes.

Choose conversation over fearful whispers

Choose questions over assumptions

Choose curiosity over suspicion

Choose touching over pointing.

While it is so easy to choose to believe rumors, assume the worst, suspect motives, and point fingers – we can choose much better.  Therefore, this week, I encourage you to openly talk with those you love about things that matter.  Ask questions to clarify information.  With curiosity strive to understand your significant others.  Lovingly touch those you care about – emotionally and physically.  It is your choice.