What are your anchors?  Huh?  What are your anchors?  Now you may be thinking, “Hmm, what weighs me down?  Well there are certainly the bills, the job, holiday dinners at the in-laws, and those annoying parent-teacher conferences at the kid’s school.”  But I am not talking about heavy things from which you feel there is no escape.  I am talking about the things that keep you grounded – particularly in your important relationships.

If I were to ask you to itemize the 5 to 10 most grounding memorable events of your marriage, could you do it?  What would be on the list – the day he proposed, a particular birthday celebration, a milestone anniversary, when you made your first scary but significant financial decision together, when he or she came to a special work function that honored your sacrifice and service, or another event around which memories have been built?  All healthy relationships have some of these but oftentimes we get so weighed down with the cares of life that we fail to anchor and remember the things that are important.  Or sadder yet would be if you have failed to create those important moment in the first place.

My tip this week is this – stop and remember your important anchors – you may do that by looking at vacation photos together or by sharing stories with friends.  If you are one who hasn’t created memorable moments, it is never too late to start.  But it will require intentionality.  Make it your goal this week to plan and carry out something truly special with your spouse.  I would love to know what you come up with.