We have all heard so much in the news and on social media about how great it is to be done with all of the calamities of 2020 and how much better 2021 will be. While 2020 was without a doubt a difficult year, here we are in February of 2021 and not a lot has changed yet from 2020. I have been in my counseling practice for 25 years and I have never had a case load as heavy with anxiety burdened clients as I have this past year. And these are adults who have some element of control in their life. But what about our kiddos?

The Love and Logic Institute recently published some guidelines for helping our children navigate these very uncertain times. I want to adapt and mention a few of those strategies here.

1) Be honest about your own feelings with your children while at the same time modeling strength. Our kids will take their cues from us. If they see us overwhelmed, they are likely to feel anxious and fearful. On the other hand, if we stuff our feelings we deprive them of the opportunity to learn healthy ways to express emotions.
2) Give your kids the facts about whatever the situation might be. When any of us are deprived of accurate information we have a tendency to fill in the gaps with our own speculations – which can be frightening.
3) Do your best to maintain daily routines. Predictability can be comforting giving them an element of control.
4) Finally, assure your children that they are safe. When they know that they can depend on us to provide a place of safety, they are likely to be far less anxious.

While the world is certainly an uncertain place, these tips can help smooth the bumps for your kiddos.