I had a client a couple of years ago who had Attention Deficit Disorder and worked remotely in his job– in other words, he worked for a company, but worked from home.  Now he liked working from home because he could work whatever hours and in whatever attire he desired . . . .  as long as he got the work done. But here was the problem – he would get up in the morning with the best of intentions; would get on the computer; and then would start out with just a couple of random searches.

Now just for a little context – there are over one hundred hours of video uploaded to You Tube every minute and over six billion hours of it are watched each month.  And you have probably already guessed – suddenly my client would realize, about 4:00 in the afternoon, that all he had done so far was watch cute or bizarre You Tube clips all day long.  Needless to say, his work didn’t get done and his employer found the need to replace him.

How many times has your spouse asked you to do something for her?  How many times has he asked for your help with a task?  How often has he or she asked you to spend time with them?  Remember when your child wanted you to play with them?  And how frequently did you respond with – in a minute, tomorrow, or as soon as this project at work is done?

I know that none of us want to be replaced in our important relationships as the employee above was in his job.  So, my tip today – rather than procrastinate in your significant relationships, make them a priority, giving the time and attention they deserve.