It seems that we are hearing lots today about “fake news.”  As I heard Denzel Washington say, “If you don’t watch the news you are uninformed and if you watch the news you are misinformed.”  He went on to say that media is more concerned about being the first to report something than they are about whether it is true or not.  It has become difficult to know what is real.

The same trend is true when it comes to social media.  For example, it is very common for people to post on Facebook only what they want you to “know,” or at least think.  They just bought the most spacious house, their kid was offered the largest scholarship ever, their wife is the sweetest, they received the highest evaluation at work that has ever been given – you get the idea – best, greatest, most perfect, and so on.  But it is not real.

A recent report revealed that similarly, as a result of “unreal” social media, many falsely believe that everyone else has a better marriage than they do.  And, if that is the case, then they need to find someone with which they can have the “perfect” relationship.  And of course, what better place to do that than social media – where everything looks good.

While not everyone on Facebook is looking to start an affair, experts say that for those who are inclined to cheat, social media has increased both their opportunity and, as a result, the number of affairs.  As one headline read, “Social media may add fuel to the fire of infidelity.”

So, my tip today is this – realize that what you see on social media – the perfect marriage or the unbelievable attractiveness of some new person – is NOT real.  But your mate at home is.  So, go home, turn off the computer and phone and engage in a real relationship with a real spouse and see if you can’t build a real marriage.