In the 21st century we have become an entitled group of people.  We see it in schools, in the work place, and even in our intimate relationships.  We expect.  We expect that you will be on time, we expect that you will pick-up my cleaning, we expect that you will fix dinner, mow the lawn, love me, and ultimately – meet my emotional needs.  We are quick to expect.  But we are equally slow to respond when someone does something for us.  We are often neglectful in expressing simple appreciation and gratitude – in simply saying “Thank You.”

But think for a moment – when someone expresses appreciation for what you have done, how do you want to respond?  Frequently, their “thank you” generates warm feelings, closeness, and a desire to do for them again.  All because they said two words of courtesy and appreciation.  This is not an earth shattering concept.  You read the previous couple of sentences and you may be thinking – “Boy – this Ham guy has an astute grasp of the obvious.”  Yet, while we all know the bridges that are built when a person is grateful for what we do – we amazingly tend to be slow to express gratitude.  A simple “Thank You” just might be two words that your partner needs to hear today.  It may be the lift that they need to continue on in the challenges of work and children and parents and in-laws.  So much is accomplished so easily by these simple words of gratitude.

Don’t wait til Thanksgiving Day.  What can you thank your spouse for today?  The results might just surprise you.