Back during the Christmas holidays, I had the most unbelievable experience.  My wife and I were out of town and had the opportunity to spend an afternoon and evening with a couple of my cousins and their spouses.  We went to one of their homes, visited in the afternoon, went out to dinner, then came back and played a game until late in the evening.

Now you are thinking – ah, not too astounding so far – and you would be correct.  Later as my wife and I were driving back to where we were staying and were reflecting on the fun of the evening, it dawned on me.  During that entire time, probably seven hours, I never once saw anyone check their phone for messages or Facebook posts.  Instead, everyone was engaging with each other.  It almost felt as though we were experiencing some ancient tradition, some long lost art.

I have pretty much come to expect that separating individuals from their phones – whether eating, conversing, or doing pretty much anything, is the equivalent of asking them to not breathe or blink their eyes.  It just can’t be done.  But I was reminded that it can be done – and it should be with much greater frequency.

How refreshing would it be to feel that you had your partner’s undivided attention – to know that you weren’t second to Mr. I-phone or Ms. Samsung Galaxy?  My tip today is simply – make your spouse the priority.  Look into his or her eyes and engage in authentic undistracted conversation.  My suspicion is that he or she will enjoy being #1 just as much as you do.