For some, flying is a relatively pleasant experience.  For others it is stressful and may even require anti-anxiety medicine.  Regardless of which category you find yourself in, the trip can either be positively or negatively impacted before you ever leave the ground, when you encounter the ticket agent.

You may have encountered, as I have, an agent who seemed as though they had just spent the last 8 hours trying to sleep in economy class.  They didn’t smile, they weren’t very helpful, and they only did the minimum to deal with your concerns – in hopes that you would quickly go away so that they could disregard the next person in line.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday break, my wife and I were returning on a flight from out of state.  As I pulled the rental car up to drop my wife off with the luggage, an agent (it was an outdoor ticket counter) quickly came over and asked me if I was returning a rental car.  I replied that I was and I would be right back to take care of the bags.  She said, “No hurry.  I will take care of your bags and if you will just let me take a peek at your driver’s license, I will go ahead and get the boarding passes for you and your wife.”  Wow!  Now that is what I call going out of your way to serve someone.

If I were to ask your spouse which kind of agent you are, what would he or she say?  Ponder that for a moment . . . . now make it your goal this week to serve your spouse with the “go after it” attitude that my agent served me.  I was a complete stranger to her – yet she went above and beyond to serve.  Your spouse is . . .  well, your spouse.  Shouldn’t we serve our mate with at least the same attitude that this agent offered me?  I will remember that stranger’s actions.  Why not serve your partner in an equally memorable way.