Do you ever wonder, if you could be a fly on the wall at your office, your home, your friend’s house, or even your church – what would you hear people saying about you?  Would they speak of your kindness and generosity or are they more likely to be discussing your self-centered arrogance?  Do people know you for your harsh political opinions or do they relish your available listening, without judgment, ear?

Because tarnished reputations are more the norm than the exception today, many will choose to dismiss their important by saying something like, “I don’t care what people think of me, I am doing what I want.  What they think doesn’t matter.”  Of course it is far easier to stand on that statement than it is to make God honoring decisions in our lives in the first place.

No place is this more evident than on the political stage.  Unfortunately we have been inundated with the missteps of national leaders ranging from illicit sex in the Whitehouse to inappropriate “locker room” conversations.  So while not necessarily newsworthy, by 21st Century news standards, it is refreshing to hear about those who have kept promises, made decisions that honor both spouses and children, and elevate a “good name” to a place of value once again.

In January of this year, George and Barbara Bush were married 72 years.  This is the longest marriage of any presidential couple in American history.  Ponder that for a moment.  This represents for all to see – a life of promises kept, vows fulfilled, love exchanged and, in a world that has lost sight of its moral compass, offers us a vision of enduring hope.  As you ponder this example today, ask yourself two questions:  “1) What are others likely to say about me, and 2) What would I want them to say about me?”  Would you rather be known by your titillating scandal or by your, though no so riveting, dependable steadfastness.  Your reputation is in your hands.