Goals, resolutions, objectives, – we may call them by various names, but at one time or another, we have all set goals.  Goals to start exercising more, to get that promotion, or to finally write that novel that has been buried inside for far too long.  Many set goals but unfortunately it is a far smaller group of people who actually follow-through and achieve them.  But why?

Probably the reason most often cited for great intentions never making it to executed actions is – fear of failure.  “What if I start to implement my plan but I fail?  Then I will look foolish or people will look down on me, or, more importantly, I will feel like a loser.”  For this reason, individuals often quit before they ever start, give up at the first sign of difficulty, or procrastinate until it is too late.

Fear of failure can lead to making excuses up front that can be used to justify failure later.  This can lead to the problem of excuse-making turning into a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Yet, acknowledging your fears and recognizing the inherent challenges can actually lead to realistic expectations and create paths to success.  One strategy in particular that is often given credit by successful goal setters is learning to break the big picture into bitesize manageable tasks.

There are things, important things, that you were put on this earth to accomplish.  Don’t shy away from them.  Sure there are times when you will fail but keep in mind that even when you take three steps forward and two steps back, that is still a net one step forward.  That is progress.