Remember those early days of dating?  If you were in high school, you guys may have gone to enormous effort to creatively ask her to prom; or endeavored to shop and find her the perfect birthday present.  Or you women may have spent hours in front of the mirror working to achieve the “perfect look” hoping he would be impressed.  If you were adults when you found each other, the events may have been different but the efforts were probably similar.

Fast forward to January 30, 2018.  Do you still invest time in finding just the right gift for your spouse or concern yourself with trying to look your best for him or her – or has all of that attentiveness gone by the wayside?

We all experience the demands on our time – work, kids, school activities, hobbies, and so on.  These things just seem to come with the territory.  As a result, it is far too easy for us to grow complacent or even down right lazy when it comes to our intentional focus on our spouse.

So ask yourself today – “Have I grown lazy in how I show love to my mate?”  If the answer is yes, I encourage you to commit yourself right now to making the effort to show him or her the kind of love you once did when this all began.  Who knows – it might be fun all over again!