As we began our recent flight from Colorado Springs to Seattle, for a visit to see family and meet our new grandson, I was reminded of an important message by our flight attendant.  “Should there be a loss in cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will drop down from the overhead compartment.”  She then went on to state that if you are traveling with a child, be sure to place your mask on first and then the mask on the child.  While we would certainly want to take care of the child’s needs first, if we don’t get our oxygen situated initially and pass out, we are of little use to the child.

Similarly, when addressing the needs, and perhaps deficits, of our most significant relationships, it is critical that we first make needed changes in our own behaviors before we attempt to correct those of our spouse.  Or as Jesus put it, “First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:5).

I encourage you to closely examine needed changes that might best begin with you this week.