Remember How to Play

A couple recently sat in my office – intense, unhappy, and bearing down on their marriage with the same exertion required to open a very tight jar.  In other words, they were working really really hard but were not having success.  The marriage was no longer fulfilling and they both felt unable to meet the…


Relationship On Purpose

What if I could teach you in under 100 pages, steps that that could improve your most important relationships forever? Would you want it? On October 25th, my newest book, Relationship On Purpose: 8 Strategies Guaranteed to Improve Your Marriage or Significant Relationship, was released. I believe so strongly that these strategies can absolutely change…



You have no doubt heard the phrase (maybe you have even spoken it), “rejection hurts.”  Well a recent study has concluded just how true that may be.  The results, published by the National Academy of Sciences, found that the regions of the brain that respond to physical pain overlap with those that react to social…


Radical Acceptance

I recently heard a client make the statement, “My husband doesn’t accept me.”  When I asked for her to give me more information, she went into a lengthy list: “I go to bed too early, I don’t vacuum correctly, I take too long getting ready in the morning, I don’t set the table the right…


Put It in Writing

On a past Valentine’s Day, a California based film editor gave his wife a journal.  His thinking was that they could take turns writing to each other.  They found that they both enjoyed this process.  As a matter of fact, his wife expressed the excitement that she feels when she notices that he has replaced…


Protect Your Heart

I recently read a letter from a women name Michelle, as related by authors Gary and Barbara Roseberg.  It was such a clear reminder of how vulnerable we are.  When that is combined with carelessness, the results can be devastating.  I want to share that letter here today.   “I helped lead a Bible study…


Preventable Accident

In 2015 the Colorado Department of Transportation reported 15,307 driving crashes in the state that were caused by distracted driving.  This is a 16% increase over the last four years.  And, as you might guess, the most significant contributor to the rise in numbers is the cell phone.  The spokesman for CDOT stated, “Those who…


Press Toward the Future

What is in your closet?  You may be thinking about your different clothes or the many pairs of shoes.  But I’m not talking about that closet.  I asking about what is in the closet of your heart?  As you ponder that, you will most likely begin to think about past hurts, scars from broken relationships,…


Prepare for the Storm

Couples always come to see me for counseling because they are in crisis.  Now you are reading that and probably thinking “Ah, well, yea!”  I know – nothing profound about that.  I sometimes think it would be nice if a potential client called and said something along the lines of, “Hi, my wife and I…
