What Would You Do With More Energy?

You may be thinking – “Energy – what’s that?” I watch my grandkids, who have seemingly endless reservoirs of energy and wonder how can I get some of that? Well, being 4 years old would help. But the truth is, we don’t have to settle for no or low energy all of the time. Now…


What, Where, Why?

What?  Where?  When? Why? What is the meaning of life?  Where am I going?  When will it all make sense?  Why am I here?  These are the questions that have preoccupied the great thinkers and philosophers of the ages as well as millions of other people. I had a professor in graduate school who would…


What’s Your Hurry?

People seem to be in a perpetual hurry – sometimes dangerously so. I think about this when I’m driving, especially on the freeway. the interstate between Colorado Springs and Denver is a prime example, though I am sure you could cite similar instances on roads where you live. Normally the speed limit on much of…


What’s Your Story?

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” That is a phrase that many of us have used tongue in cheek. But I wonder what really is your story? We all have a narrative that we tell ourselves. Your story reflects your personal sense of self. Some of your story is rooted in a solid…


Where Will You End Up?

While great hope and promise accompanies most births, not every child is given the same set of advantages. Those differences may be in the area of the family’s financial situation, whether the child is born into a one or two parent household, the support (or lack thereof) of a strong extended family, and so on.…


Who are You Playing For?

You may be thinking, “Playing what for?” So, allow me to ask the question a bit differently. Who are you living for? Now in this “enlightened” age, I might get a variety of answers – “I live for my kids or my grandkids;” “I live to hear the approval and applause from others;” or “I…


Who are You Trying to Fool?

 In 1774, future President John Adams penned the following: We see every day that our imaginations are so strong and our reason so weak, the charms of wealth and power are so enchanting, and the belief of future punishments so faint that men find ways to persuade themselves to believe any absurdity, to submit to…


Who Did You Meet During COVID

You may be thinking, “I don’t know that I met anybody during COVID, except for the person giving the vaccine, because we were all locked down at home.” Then you may have had a chance to meet a really important person – the person you could meet on introspection – yourself. From the beginning of…


Who is in Control?

Walking down a side street in New Orleans, my wife and I came across a sign outside of a restaurant that was a tad unusual. While most would advertise their “great food in a fine dining experience,” this one was different. The sign stated that the food was disappointing, the drinks were not all that…


Who Makes the Decisions in Your Brain?

Now that might seem like a strange question, but we all make decisions – somewhere in our brain. Some people are very analytical, attempting to gather every data point they can in order to make the most reasoned decision possible. Others often make decisions based upon what their “gut” tells them. Some are methodical, taking…
