Foundations – Part Nine – Renew

I once read about a women’s conference where the speaker asked the women, “How many of you love your husband?”  Every one raised their hands.  Then she asked, “When the last time was that they had told your husband that they loved him?”  Some responded, “this morning,” others – “last week,” and still others –…


Four Ways to Put Points in the Love Bank

Author Willard Harley wrote a book years ago titled, “Love Busters.” In it he compared the love that we give and receive to our mate with managing our checking accounts. For example, with our bank accounts, we make deposits and withdrawals. Similarly, in our significant relationships, we make love deposits and love withdrawals. As long…



“What an eye opening experience,” is the thought that went through my mind. I have read about it, I’ve seen it, and I have written about it. But I recently experienced it at a new level. “What is that?” you are wondering. Having my cell phone off. You see, my wife and I were recently…


Get Over it in a Hurry

“The reason we got along was that Bill was deaf, and I can’t see – so I couldn’t see what he was doing all those years, and he couldn’t hear what I was saying.”  These words came from Betty as she and her husband Bill celebrated 70 years of marriage earlier this year in Colorado…


Hanging Out

“I just say, ‘Yes Dear,” was his response. Of course, you are wondering what the question was. We were recently privileged to attend the anniversary party for a couple who have been married 65 years. Wow – that is longer than I have been alive (though not by much). At 88 and 85, Elinor and…
