Is Social Media Making You Sick?

The answer may be – Yes. A study from 2021 found that for a vast number of individuals using Instagram, felt worse about themselves, which contributed to increased depression and anxiety. This was in part from people constantly comparing and evaluating themselves in relationship to others. The study found (this won’t sound too profound), that…


Is Love Scarce?

I will never forget after my first child was born how amazed I was that I could feel such love for a “little person.”  It was overwhelming.  So, when my second child was about to enter the world five years later – I was concerned.  I knew the enormity of my love for the first…


Is Kindness Headed Toward Extinctiion?

While I certainly pray that is not the case, Jamil Zaki, a Stanford psychologist and director of its Social Neuroscience Laboratory, states, “If you wanted to design a system to break empathy, you could scarcely do better than the society we’ve created.” He believes that we are becoming more and more disengaged, citing the amount…


Is it Worth Clutching?

There is a tribe in South America that has discovered a creative way to catch monkeys. Taking a large gourd with a long narrow neck, they put fruit inside it and place it in an area frequented by monkeys.  When a monkey smells the fruit, they instinctively go the gourd, look inside and, seeing the…


Is It Real?

It seems that we are hearing lots today about “fake news.”  As I heard Denzel Washington say, “If you don’t watch the news you are uninformed and if you watch the news you are misinformed.”  He went on to say that media is more concerned about being the first to report something than they are…


Is it Real or Simply Tradition?

I find it interesting to read about wedding traditions in various cultures.  Some may seem to make sense – such as the practice that began in the south, where there are two wedding cakes.  The second cake is called the “groom’s cake” whose design is more masculine.  However, other practices such as trashing the wedding…


Is it on Purpose?

It Is 3:00 AM and it is starting again . . . his snoring.  You lay in bed getting more irritated by the minute.  Part of your irritation is because you can’t sleep, which of course contributes to you being tired, which in turn contributes to your irritation.  The longer you listen to the snoring,…


Is Communication an Illusion?

In a quote from a Fortune Magazine article, William H. Whyte said, “The great enemy of communication is the illusion of it.” That is an excellent picture of what so many individuals fall prey to. Your spouse wants you to communicate, so you make every effort to talk more with them. However, even though you…


Is Co-Parenting Difficult?

Yes!  Co-parenting can be extremely challenging as parents frequently arrive at the table with two very different views of just what good parenting looks like.  But as tough as that is, what happens if you add a divorce to the mix?  If you are divorced, you are probably thinking, “Trying to co-parent is worse than…



Greetings!  I am Dr. Barry Ham.  If you are receiving this initial “Relationships Tips Tuesdays”, it is probably for one of several reasons . . . . . . it may be that you purchased my book God Understands Divorce: A Biblical Message of Grace, sometime during the past year; or you may have signed…
