Boost the Economy

Did you know that marriage can improve the economy? You might be thinking, “Well, of course it can. I mean have you seen how much it costs to put on a wedding? Think about it – you have the venue, flowers, save the date cards, invitations, reception dinner, the band or DJ, the hotel, the…


Bring Back Fun

Remember when you used to look forward to getting home to your spouse, when you couldn’t wait to have the weekend together?  Remember when the relationship was fun?  For some, fun was two kids and twenty years ago.  But for most, fun was a central part of your relationship early on.  In a university study…


Build a Hedge

When I first moved to Colorado, I planted a row of Ponderosa Pines on the back of my property.  My hope was that they would one day grow to create a barrier and with that, offer some privacy.  You may have planted bushes or built a wooden fence between you and your neighbors in order…



Why is it that there is such disparity in people’s degree of success, happiness, and enjoyment of life?  There are no simple answers and I am sure there are a variety of contributing factors for these differences.   But one reason, that I want to discuss today is “but.”  It is a word that sometimes is…


Can You Be Split?

Don’t be fooled! Those kids of yours are smarter than you may think. Oh, sure – they may look innocent enough, but they are shrewd. You see, with no training, those children somehow know how to take two seemingly intelligent adults and pit them against each other. They know and are competent at splitting us…


Change or ???

You have just returned from you annual physical somewhat stunned.  Your doctor has told you that your cholesterol numbers are through the roof and you have to cut down your carb intake and get on the treadmill multiple times per week.  More specifically, he said, “If you want to be around for your grandkids –…



I know that this isn’t an actual word, but it is a term I came across recently that I thought was very fitting.  Elevating our children to a level of priority that was never intended and is actually unhealthy for all involved is to what “childolatry” refers. Studies consistently report that couples who do more…
