Overcoming Conflict

In a recent interview a number of therapists were asked about recommended strategies for overcoming conflict.  This is such an important topic as unresolved conflict can severely erode the foundation of a relationship to the point that it begins to topple.  I want to adapt a few of their responses today to apply toward the…


Parenting is Not for Sissies

If you have more than one child, you have probably at some point felt “ganged up on” by the kids.  Knowing the power inequity they experience, because you are the parent and they are not, they often find strength in numbers.  It is to be expected.  However, what you didn’t count on was being ganged…


Parenting with Purpose

I still recall being at a Parent-Student dinner when I was working as a school counselor in California 30 years ago. I worked with some great students and one in particular who I was anxious to brag on to his parents. As I greeted his father, I began to speak of the tremendous strides his…


Perspective of Awe

Albert Einstein said, “He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”  While I feel certain that we don’t want to think of ourselves as dead, we also know how prone we are to lose our sense of wonder.  Ask yourself –…


Practice Makes Perfect

I used to hate hearing that as a kid when Mom would say that in reference to the piano lessons that I detested. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the piano, it was just that I hated the weekly lessons with the teacher’s expectations exhibited through critical eyes. At least that was how it felt.…


Practice, Practice, Practice!

How many times have we heard those words in our lives – “practice, practice, practice, “or “practice makes perfect?” I remember as a child hating to hear those words – “it’s time for you to go practice the piano.” I enjoy watching football and seeing skilled players make amazing throws and catches, efficient blocking patterns,…


Prepare for the Storm

Couples always come to see me for counseling because they are in crisis.  Now you are reading that and probably thinking “Ah, well, yea!”  I know – nothing profound about that.  I sometimes think it would be nice if a potential client called and said something along the lines of, “Hi, my wife and I…


Press Toward the Future

What is in your closet?  You may be thinking about your different clothes or the many pairs of shoes.  But I’m not talking about that closet.  I asking about what is in the closet of your heart?  As you ponder that, you will most likely begin to think about past hurts, scars from broken relationships,…


Preventable Accident

In 2015 the Colorado Department of Transportation reported 15,307 driving crashes in the state that were caused by distracted driving.  This is a 16% increase over the last four years.  And, as you might guess, the most significant contributor to the rise in numbers is the cell phone.  The spokesman for CDOT stated, “Those who…
