What a depressing thought to wake up to on a Monday morning. I know – it can be but depression is not where I want to take us today. Yet, the question remains – are you going to die? Now it is easy to respond with, “Of course. We are all going to die, but probably not today. So, I don’t want to think about it.” But thinking about it just might enhance your life.

One author recently suggested that remembering that we are mortal can encourage us to value life, strengthen familial bonds and become more forgiving. “Such daily reminders that life is short should bolster our will to resist giving in to emotions. It may make you less likely to blow up, for example, when a child breaks your coffee mug.”

It is so easy for us to get caught up in the drama of the moment. Times when we will seemingly battle to the death as to who gets the bigger office. I’ve seen parents ready to fight a referee at their child’s sporting event. Or couples spend thousands of dollars determined to win a particular piece of furniture in their divorce.

As the years continue to fly by, I am constantly reminded of just how short life is. It causes me to want to focus less on who won the argument and more on how can I love the other person better. And when it comes to my wife and kids, I definitely want to focus on forgiveness, understanding, and love.

How about you today? Perhaps recognition of our inevitable mortality can nudge us all a little more to the loving side of things. Yes, we are all going to die. But today I want you to live!