Mondays Matter

While that might seem like a strange question, isn’t it one that motivates, or perhaps, haunts us? If we dig a little deeper we will see our tendency to take that questions a step further. We are really often asking, “How am I doing in life in the eyes of others?”

Whether we are being compared to the honor roll students in school, those who land the best internships in college, who achieves that most noteworthy promotions, or who get the corner office with a view – we want to be successful in the eyes of others. Without the approval of others, we often find that we can’t find approval from ourselves.

So, with that in mind, we start to climb the ladder of success, whatever that means. Some hope there is a point of arrival, but there isn’t. And so many keep climbing until the ladder gives way – all in the pursuit of a level of success that will lead others to think highly of them.

Yet, the truth of the matter is best expressed by my friend John Rabins, in his book, Defined by Fire, “I am not defined by what others think, rather I’m defined by what He [God] thinks.”

You see, when all is said and done, and our lives are wrapped up in completion, as we stand before God’s throne, giving an account of the lifetime He gave us, we will not care in the least what others have thought of how we did in life. We will only care about what He thinks! So, with that in mind – How are you doing in life?