Mondays Matter

So, we are about a month into the new year and I am wondering how it is going for you? Did you make any resolutions? Set any new goals? Dream up any new things you would like to see happen in 2023? If so – how’s it going?

For many the resolutions and goals have already evaporated, with thoughts of – “maybe next year.” But why? What happened? Perhaps there was no game plan.

I remember when I used to counsel teenagers who were struggling academically. I would be talking with a student near the end of a semester who was failing all of his classes. I might ask him, “So, what are you going to do next semester to improve your grades?” And he would answer, “I’m going to try harder.” My response was often something along the lines of, “Oh, so you’re going to fail all of your classes again.” “No, I said I’m going to try harder.”

But just like resolutions, saying “I’m going to try harder,” “I’m going to lose weight,” I’m going to read my Bible more,” are all statements with no legs on them.

If a student says, “Well, I’m going to make sure my assignments are written in my planner; then when I get home, after a quick snack, I’m going to sit down at the kitchen table; complete my homework and have my parents check it over; and make sure I turn it in.” Now that’s a plan that can succeed.

For you it may be – “I’m going to get up and take the first 30 minutes of my day and read my Bible,” Or, “Every afternoon, I’m going to stop at the gym on the way home and hit the treadmill.” Now those are game plans that give you a much greater chance of success,

So, again I ask, “How’s the new year going?” I hope well. But if it isn’t going as you had hoped, you might want to examine your game plan.