You are probably thinking, “I know, I know – you’re going to tell me to eat better and exercise and I will be healthier.” While it is true that doing those two things would improve your health, you are only half right.

A recent study confirmed that people who live a predominately sedentary lifestyle are 73% more likely to experience a cluster of problems that raise the risk of heart disease. “See, I knew you were going to tell me I needed to exercise.” Well, you have to admit, doing some kind of physical activity could help your body to function more as it was designed to.

But the second finding is intriguing, as it found the people who spent money on others had lower blood pressure than those who spent money on themselves. While this certainly doesn’t mean you can’t buy anything for yourself, think about it – when you learn to recognize how blessed you are to  have all that you have, and learn to generously give to others, especially those who are less fortunate and are in need, you typically feel good about helping. Therefore, this finding really isn’t too surprising.

So, if you really want to double your benefits, be both active and kind. Perhaps you could get involved in a walk-a-thon for a charity, donating money at the same time. This is another way to live your life with and for purpose.