Relationships Tip Tuesdays

Now if you are like me, the first time I heard this term I thought, “Now each generation has a new label, so what in the world differentiates a Gen Z?”

Author/Speaker/Researcher Josh McDowell recently reported these characteristics of those labeled “Gen Z:”

  • They are between the ages of 6 and 24
  • They are the first generation to be all digital
  • They see truth as subjective, fluid, and dependent on circumstances
  • They admit feeling panicked if separated from their smartphones
  • They really care about their online popularity and influence
  • They are super lonely, despite their online connection 24/7. Many feel so depressed that they have considered suicide.

While I found this description of this particular age group enlightening, I also found it disturbing. I see families with children in this age bracket that fully fit these descriptions. I have various clients that fit every one of these itemized behaviors. But bigger than any characteristic on this list is the fact that so many individuals going through these experiences feel hopeless. Why? And What can we do as parents and supporters?

Famed author and teacher C.S. Lewis once said, “Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” And with that; we pursue – technology, social media, career, new toys, and the hunt for the perfect relationship. But these items invariably leave us, at best, distracted momentarily or, at worst, hollow and empty.

We owe it to the Z Generation to model enduring truths from an eternal God. This is how we can best offer our support! We owe it to them.