Relationships Tip Tuesdays

Whether we are talking about a marriage, a work place relationship, or a friendship – most of us would, at least initially, think of disagreements as a negative experience. While I know that it often feels that way, is it really?

Disagreements come in all shapes and sizes. Sometime we have minor arguments – such as which way you load a new roll of toilet paper or which TV program to watch. Other times the disagreements may seem more significant – addressing issues deeply held beliefs or values. Some issues we may find easy to let go of while others may be much more challenging.

Some individuals demand agreement on every issue or else their relationship with the other person comes to a screeching halt – unless or until somebody capitulates. But is that the healthiest position to take? Certainly our ability to examine facts and evidence come into play, as we don’t want to foolishly hold onto an indefensible position. At the same time it is important for us to allow individuals to maintain a sense of self.

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” In other words, disagreement can be a healthy thing. I know that in my own life, I may see a situation in what I think is crystal clear. My wife, however, may see it differently. If I am wise at all, I will listen to her thoughts, which often brings my view of things into a much sharper perspective.

We all have disagreements. Use those to your benefit and allow them to feed into your own personal growth. At the same time, you just may strengthen an important relationship.