Relationships Tip Tuesdays

We often hear that “It’s not the quantity of time we have together but the quality of time that counts.” While this isn’t completely accurate, because we need a certain quantity of time in order to have quality time. I mean, if I have good quality time with my spouse for 5 minutes a day, it is unlikely that this is going to meet her needs for connection.

Quality time is essential to a healthy relationship. We all battle busy schedules and seasons that are especially busy. Some of the legitimate things that can get in the way of time with our mate, range from – children needing our attention, running them to soccer practice, and school plays; the demands of a hectic work schedule; over commitment to extra activities; to spending time with and enjoying our grandkids. Yet, while these are all good things – time with our spouse is equally important.

It is far too easy to focus on other legitimate needs but wake up one day wondering who this stranger is in bed next to me. We can easily lose sight of the person we married – who is supposed to be the most important person in our life. So, I want to suggest just a couple of ways that we can take steps to improve quality time with our husband or wife.

Some couples have found that doing a project together gives them a chance to spend time interacting while also accomplishing something. When you complete something together, there is a sense of “We.” This can be very bonding.

Carving out even 15 minutes a day with your spouse where you don’t talk about work or the kids but about your relationship, plans, dreams, and goals.

There are many ways to increase our intimacy connection with quality time. I would love to hear of ways that have worked for you to increase yours.