I recently read a humorous article regarding technology and how comfortable people are becoming with everything from Siri – the female-sounding voice assistant, to that familiar GPS voice.  Technology has certainly come a long ways in helping us – find directions, answer questions, check the weather, to even contacting our loved ones (what a concept).  But reading this particular article made me realize just how comfortable some are becoming with their favorite computer voice – sometimes forgetting that it is not a real person and even at times preferring it to a real person.  I mean, let’s face it – that computer voice doesn’t require much, he or she doesn’t complain or nag me, the voice is helpful, and if I’m in a bad mood – I can yell at her and she is still even tempered.  Perfect!  Only one BIG problem – he or she is NOT real.

As humans, God has designed us to need one another, to need intimacy, to need community.  And that does not come from a computer generated companion.  It comes from a real, flesh and blood person; a person who has flaws, who gets moody, who has bad breath in the morning, and who can get upset with me and even hurt me.  But it is also a person who can have my back, who can love me even when I have erred so badly that I don’t deserve it, who hugs me and supports me, who can be my partner on life’s journey – who is the real deal.

Yet, to have that requires effort and intentionality.  The risks are great, but the rewards can be even greater, more comforting and satisfying.  But we have to connect – really connect.  This week I encourage you to find some uninterrupted time with significant people in your life – to talk.  Real, from the heart, vulnerable, authentic, desires, plans and dreams communication.  The real person you talk with may not always know the weather or the answer to your Google questions – but he or she can genuinely interact and potentially love you with just what you really long for.  How can you connect in a new and different way this week?