Relationships Tip Tuesdays

Have you ever heard someone make the statement, “He/She just brings out the worst in me?” Usually, the statement is made by the person who has just reacted angrily, said something inappropriate, or done something foolish. But rather than own their misbehavior, they attempt to place the blame on the other person by making it their fault because “they” are somehow responsible for the explosion. I would contend that getting the “worst” out of them might be a good thing. But that is a topic for another discussion.

What I actually want to look at today are just three, though there are many others, things that we can work towards to bring out the best in each other.

  • Endeavor to be your genuine self, allowing your partner to know you- quirks, flaws, and all. Hiding parts of yourself in a marriage is exhausting. So, be real and, equally important, allow your spouse to be real as well.
  • Help each other grow. This is not always easy. It might mean challenging each other’s opinions, perhaps even beliefs, and getting out of your comfort zone. But if we are not willing to do that, we will stagnate both as individuals and as a couple. While this can bring out great things, it can also be be tricky. So, be sure to wrap this with lots of patience and gentleness. But don’t be afraid to go there. This can truly tighten your bond.
  • Support each other when working through personal issues. Whether it is an issue ranging from work to family, your mate can sometimes offer a new perspective but can at least listen and empathize. Your spouse should be your #1 fan, and this is a great opportunity to demonstrate that.

Striving to nurture the best in someone is much more rewarding than antagonizing and it’s a lot more fun.