Relationships Tip Tuesdays

Many, if not most people, seem to find a mate that is different than they are. They may have qualities that are completely opposite of their own, which is no surprise. You see, we are frequently attracted to what we don’t have. For example, a person who is an introvert may be attracted to a more outgoing person because that person possesses characteristics that are new and novel, and may even be things that they wish they had in their own repertoire of behaviors. Clearly, opposites do attract.

But then a funny thing happens – they get married and those once endearing qualities become sources of irritation. They may complain about how ridiculous the other person is, forgetting that those differences are part of what they used to find attractive and even cute. They then set out, subconsciously, to change their mate to be and do things just like they would do them. Yet, I can’t help but wonder if we mold our mate to be just like us, then isn’t one of us unnecessary?

If we marry somebody just like us, life may get a bit boring. But when two people come together bringing different and even opposite qualities to the relationship, they actually create a richer, more well-rounded, relationship with greater texture.

So, I am not suggesting that you go find an opposite to marry. Most of you are probably married already to an opposite. Instead, I want to encourage you to embrace the differences and prepare to enjoy the ride in completely new and exciting ways. Possibilities abound!