Relationship Tips Tuesdays
Let’s face it – we all want to be viewed as caring and empathetic. And sometimes it is easy while other times it is an uphill battle. Perhaps your spouse or your kiddos have taken advantage of you. Or perhaps they continue to contribute to their own troublesome situations in ways that cause you to want to say “I told you so” more than they inspire you to express empathy.

I really appreciate the insights of Dr. Charles Fay when it comes to his take on empathy and I want to quote him here as to what empathy is and is not.

Empathy is about a sincere desire to understand another’s feelings
It is not a flippant, “I understand how you feel” or “I’m so sorry.
Empathy is an honest message of caring.
It is not about manipulating or instilling guilt.
Empathy is about maintaining emotional boundaries while showing concern.
It is not about making the other person’s problem our own.
Empathy is about modeling confidence and strength.
It is not about demonstrating weakness.
Empathy is about forgiving others as well as forgiving ourselves.
It is not about trying to be perfect.

When we are able to genuinely express empathy with those around us, we are offering support and building relational connection. And isn’t that at the heart of what we desire in our most precious relationships? Why not try a dose of empathy today?