Why Bother?

Oh the things that we stumble onto when we are cleaning out.  A couple of weeks ago I was going through some old books when I came across a grocery store coupon that was inside one of them.  All I can figure is that at some point in time, when I was reading it, I…


Why Can’t We Just Get Along

I have had many couples in my office wonder this very thing.  Why are they in constant conflict?  Why do they seem to argue non-stop?  Why do they leave for work day after day, angry at their spouse?  Why do they disagree about seemingly everything?  What happened to this relationship that began with so much…


Why Can’t You Forgive?

At first glance, your response may be, “I can forgive and I do forgive,” and I am sure that you do. But I’m wondering how you do at forgiving yourself? Ah! That’s a little more difficult. And there are a couple of reasons that so many of us struggle with this. First, when we make…


Why Do We Resist?

I recently read an article in which journalist Victoria Loustalot was asked why, even in the information age, many people continue to seek out psychics?  Her response is interesting. Humans have always grappled with a connection to something larger than ourselves. In generations past, those questions were often answered by organized religion. For many, that’s…


Why Do You Vacation?

That may seem like a strange question, as you are probably thinking things like – “To get away from it all,” “To take a break,” “To see new things,” or any number of reasons. But I ask that question today because someone ask me that last week. My wife and I were at a beach…


Why is Change so Difficult?

Sitting with a couple this afternoon, I listened as the wife, in tears, talked about the repeated negative cycles she and her husband experience – and re-experience. It seems that her husband works to make changes, but after a couple of weeks, defaults to old patterns. Why? Many times it has to do with a…


Why Should I Cherish My Spouse?

Over the decades, wedding vows have changed from pretty traditional and predictable to often very inventive.  In the more traditional vows, the word “cherish” was often included.  I still remember some of the lyrics of the song “Cherish” by the Association, performed in the 60’s. Cherish is the word I use to describe All the…
