Mondays Matter

That may seem like a strange question, as you are probably thinking things like – “To get away from it all,” “To take a break,” “To see new things,” or any number of reasons. But I ask that question today because someone ask me that last week.

My wife and I were at a beach location for a week’s vacation. As we were visiting with the concierge, he asked me that question – “Why do you vacation?” I think he expected me to say that “I deserve it,” “I’ve worked hard so I can take a vacation and get away from work,” or something of that nature. But without hesitation, I replied, “I take vacations in order to rest and recharge so that I can go back and do my work even better.”

It was clear that my answer caught him off guard, and I think that he thought it a little strange. But I explained that there are people who are miserable at work and endure Monday thru Friday, waiting to live on the weekend. Or they may stay at “the grind” for 50 weeks a year – waiting for those two weeks to “live.” But isn’t that a depressing existence? You hear people all the time say, T.G.I.F. But as you have noticed, this blog is titled T.G.I.M. Why?

Because God has called us to live with and on purpose. He wants us to rest and to rest well – so that we are in a better place to maximize our calling. How might your life be different if you lived for everyday- Monday thru Friday, pouring yourself into whatever God has called you to do, and the weekends, or at least part of them, to recharge? I wonder how much more fulfilling life would be by simply changing our perspective. So, I encourage you to consider the question in light of God’s purposes for you, “Why do  you vacation?