Do You Offer Empathy?

I was recently reminded while reading an article from Parenting with Love and Logic of the crucial nature of empathy.  It is the cornerstone upon which our entire relational house is built.  And, while they are primarily focused on parent’s relationships with their children, the principle applies to all relationships – especially those with our…


Do You Protect Your Heart?

Normally when we think about protecting ourselves, especially our heart, we imagine that we are attempting to keep others from hurting us.  The idea of “protection” conjures up pictures of our being attacked or mistreated in some manner that cause us to erect defenses that will keep us safe.  And while those images are accurate,…


Do You See?

While people’s inclinations seem to be the same from generation to generation, the nuances of the differences in issues can vary.  One of those issues that has changed faster than our relational insights, has been around technology – particularly cell phones.  I can assure you that 20 years ago I was not dealing with this…


Do You Struggle with Empathy?

Relationship Tips Tuesdays Let’s face it – we all want to be viewed as caring and empathetic. And sometimes it is easy while other times it is an uphill battle. Perhaps your spouse or your kiddos have taken advantage of you. Or perhaps they continue to contribute to their own troublesome situations in ways that…


Do You Want a Puppy?

At one time or another I think that most of us have wanted a puppy.  When we were kids we may have seen one in a pet store window or some lost stray followed us home.  Our hearts were melted by those big brown eyes and that cute little face.  We asked (probably begged) our…
