Can You Embrace Anticipation? – Part 2

Last time we looked at the benefits of embracing anticipation. It impacts our mood and overall well-being when we learn to appreciate the art of looking forward to something. So many times, people, kids especially, view delayed gratification as a negative or even as a punishment. I remember as an elementary kid, my grandmother promising…


Can You Dance on a Desk?

Can You Dance on A Desk?   Honestly, I’d be afraid I would fall off.  But that didn’t seem to stop actor Dick Van Dyke.  You may remember him from his 1960’s sitcom, The Dick Van Dyke Show (if you are as old as I am), or from such movies as Mary Poppins or Chitty…


Can You Change Your Circumstances?

“Not again.  The car won’t start; just like yesterday.”  “The baby didn’t sleep again last night.”  “As usual, he forgot to stop by the grocery store for me on his way home.” These and other irritants can drive us crazy.  While they seem to be minor in nature, they often have the power (or so…


Can You Appreciate Loss?

There is an old Jewish saying that if you dance at a lot of weddings, you’ll cry at a lot of funerals. In essence, saying that if you experience wonderful relationships, it will be sad when they end – because they were good. I have worked with people who have lost everything from their car…


Can We Make Transitions Smoother?

In recent research, called the Life Story Project, physicist Brian Wecht made some interesting discoveries about the transitions people experience. Whether someone exits the military, loses a job, moves to another town, discovers they have a neurological disease, or learns they have been betrayed by a best friend – they have all experienced transitions. That…


Can Music Fuel Your Purpose?

I love music!  I enjoy listening to it, I enjoy playing it, and I even enjoy singing it.  But what in the world does that have to do with my purpose – unless of course I make my living in the music industry?  But music can feed you in ways that can make you feel…


Are You Your Best Self?

Now you may be thinking, “Well, I try to be but I’m not always successful.” I would then follow up that thought with, “What gets in the way of being your best self?” The well-known Renaissance artist Michelangelo was once asked how he managed to create amazing sculptures – such as “David?” His response was…


Are You Worried About Dying?

Author Steve Goodier shared the following story. One night, a Dodgers farm club coached by Tommy Lasorda was leading Tucson by one run in the eighth inning, but Tucson had the bases loaded with two outs.  According to Don Martin in TeamThink, Lasorda decided to pep up his pitcher, a left-hander named Bobby O’Brien. Lasorda…
