Are You Answering the Question?

I recently read an author who stated that every January he asks himself the question, “What is the meaning of life?”  He goes on to observe that while this question is philosophically and practically important in our lives, rarely do we stop to really answer it.  But shouldn’t we? According to two 2014 studies, individuals…


Are You Being Robbed?

Wait – before you go checking your doorbell video camera or you begin to search every room to see if anything is missing, let me tell you what I’m referring to. I am talking about – your brain. Now I am sure if you talk to some of my friends, they might contend that my…


Are You Calm?

That almost sounds similar to a set up question like, “Are you sitting down?” However, I am genuinely asking you if you see yourself as calm? If you are like a major percentage of the population your honest answer may be “No.” I mean think about it – pandemic, inflation, fires, floods, wars and increased…


Are You Doing Good for Yourself? – Part 1

Now you may be thinking that I’m talking about some kind of self-care, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, meditating, and so on. However, that is not where I’m headed today. Actually, I want to look at how we take care of and prepare for our future selves. I recently had an…


Are You Doing Good for Yourself? – Part 2

Last time, we began to look at how we can become more effective at setting our future selves up for greater success – and that principle is true whether we are talking about careers, finances, relationships, retirement, and so on. I have counseled so many clients who live with regrets: “I regret not finishing college…


Are You Focusing on What Truly Matters?

The first half of 2020 has certainly been different than anyone imagined going into the year. The world seemed pretty locked down, changing the way we do business. Weddings have been postponed, extended family gatherings delayed, and even graduation ceremonies were cancelled or, at best, given an alternative format. Our experience with the pandemic, hopefully,…


Are You Going to Die?

What a depressing thought to wake up to on a Monday morning. I know – it can be but depression is not where I want to take us today. Yet, the question remains – are you going to die? Now it is easy to respond with, “Of course. We are all going to die, but…


Are You Here for Self or Others?

Recently, at an event in Orlando, Denzel Washington said the following: “It [the Bible] says in the last days we’ll become lovers of ourselves. The number one photograph now is a selfie. So we all want to lead. We’re willing to do anything – ladies and young men – to be influential . . .…


Are You in the Hallway?

Last time we looked at some of the challenges that we experience when we suffer losses and even the efforts we make trying to avoid them. But no matter how hard we try to dodge them – if we love (people, pets, etc.), if we embrace opportunities, if we invest in things – we are…


Are You Kind?

We often think of kindness as being nice or pleasant to someone.  But I want us to consider kindness as more purposeful today.  Ephesians 4:32 says that we are to be “kind and compassionate to one another.”  But what does that look like? I recently read a series of stories about individuals who set out…
