Do You Protect Your Heart?

Normally when we think about protecting ourselves, especially our heart, we imagine that we are attempting to keep others from hurting us.  The idea of “protection” conjures up pictures of our being attacked or mistreated in some manner that cause us to erect defenses that will keep us safe.  And while those images are accurate,…


Do You Offer Empathy?

I was recently reminded while reading an article from Parenting with Love and Logic of the crucial nature of empathy.  It is the cornerstone upon which our entire relational house is built.  And, while they are primarily focused on parent’s relationships with their children, the principle applies to all relationships – especially those with our…


Do You Need a Clue?

I don’t know about you, but most of the time I need all the clues I can get – just ask my wife. But let me back up; you are probably wondering “Clues about what?” Most of us have probably walked into a restaurant and seen a couple, or perhaps an entire family, sitting at…


Do You Live with a Gen Z?

Now if you are like me, the first time I heard this term I thought, “Now each generation has a new label, so what in the world differentiates a Gen Z?” Author/Speaker/Researcher Josh McDowell recently reported these characteristics of those labeled “Gen Z:” They are between the ages of 6 and 24 They are the…


Do You Know Your Triggers?

We all have them – triggers. However, we are not all aware that we do or even what they are. For example you may notice that you are talking with your spouse and they make an innocent comment, such as “You know what you should do,” and suddenly your stomach begins to churn and you…


Do You Know the Sound?

It is hard to believe that it has been 17 years since I built the house that we live in.  Ok, I didn’t exactly build it – the construction company did.  However, while they were building it that spring and summer, the boys and I finished the basement while the builders were doing the main…
