Can You Be Split?

Don’t be fooled! Those kids of yours are smarter than you may think. Oh, sure – they may look innocent enough, but they are shrewd. You see, with no training, those children somehow know how to take two seemingly intelligent adults and pit them against each other. They know and are competent at splitting us…


Has Parenting Drawn You Closer?

While that would certainly be my desire for you, far too many parents would have to answer a resounding “No” to that question. It may have been far easier to feel connected and functioning as a unified team before you had children than it did after. Some have referred to “losing that feeling of priority”…


The Problem with Independence

What? There’s a problem with independence? Our country was founded on this concept – we even have The Declaration of Independence. How can that not be good? Don’t get me wrong – independence is a wonderful idea in so many ways. But sometimes it can inhibit a healthy relationship. While individuals in a marriage certainly…


Do You Feel Isolated?

While I have been in the counseling field for over 25 years, I don’t believe that I have ever seen so many of my clients experiencing feelings of anxiety and isolation. Prior to the COVID pandemic, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that 20% of Americans felt isolated and lonely. The report…


Seeing Through Their Lens

I continue to marvel on a daily basis that humans are even able to communicate. To take a thought in my head, that is wrapped in my context and experiences – put those thoughts into words – send them out into the air – you hear the words and funnel them through the filter of…


Is Social Media Making You Sick?

The answer may be – Yes. A study from 2021 found that for a vast number of individuals using Instagram, felt worse about themselves, which contributed to increased depression and anxiety. This was in part from people constantly comparing and evaluating themselves in relationship to others. The study found (this won’t sound too profound), that…


Are You Good Enough?

Your first thoughts may be, “Of course I’m not good enough. Most people are way more accomplished than I am.” And with that begins a journey of feeling inadequate, less than, and perhaps even a bit of a failure. Last time I wrote about the dangers of comparing ourselves to others on social media. This…
