Who Do Kids Prefer?

The question that I am asking is this – do kids prefer people or animals? In a universal ethical principles game developed by MIT researchers, some surprising results were revealed. When children were placed in a hypothetical situation that involved human versus animal life, they frequently chose to send a car careening into a person…


Who Do You Live With?

“Well,” you think, “I live with my spouse,” or “my spouse and our kids.”  While that is certainly true but I’m looking a little deeper.  You see, when we get married we typically feel that we are marrying the ideal person.  However, as the months and years go by, we may begin to find them,…


Who Do You Trust?

As you think about that question, several people may run through your mind.  Some, as you think about them, may be scratched off of your list, while others are rock solid.  Unfortunately, individuals sit in my office almost daily, telling me of someone whom they deeply trusted only to be betrayed at some point.  Last…


Who is in Charge?

As you read the title of today’s thoughts, and you begin to consider “who is in charge,” you may find your mind jumping to one of two places – either “he or she is,” or “I am.”  But therein may be the problem. In his book Kingdom Man, Dr. Tony Evans tells of the impact…


Who’s On Your Team?

Robin Roberts, the anchor for Good Morning America, recently returned to work after battling a life-threatening blood disease. She endured chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant, and months in the hospital and then isolation at home.  She speaks with great respect about her doctor and his great care for her that included his tears but also…


Who’s the Boss?

Now you may read that title and think, “Well, it sure isn’t her,” or “I let him think he is.”  The reality is this – most of us don’t like to be told what to do.  While we may like to be in control, rarely do we like to be controlled. I sat with a…


Why a Phone Call?

I love the Progressive commercials with Dr. Rick who tries to keep his clients from becoming their parents. In one commercial he plays a voicemail that someone named Julie left for him. Then he asks the group what Julie did wrong. While they answer with a variety of suggestions, he states that she didn’t even…


Why Bother?

Oh the things that we stumble onto when we are cleaning out.  A couple of weeks ago I was going through some old books when I came across a grocery store coupon that was inside one of them.  All I can figure is that at some point in time, when I was reading it, I…
