Are You Lost in the Weeds?

I feel as though I am in the weeds today. What do I mean by that? Do you ever plan your day or your week, expecting to make great headway on your meaningful and significant goals – only to get derailed? Perhaps you are checking your email and you come across one that winds up…


Are You Looking at the Big Picture?

The following story is told by Dr. Richard Carlson and is fitting for us to consider when we find ourselves getting bogged down in the minutia of our daily life. I heard a story about two workers who were approached by a reporter. The reporter asked the first worker, “What are you doing?” His response…


Are You Lonely?

At one time or another, all of us have experienced feelings of loneliness.  While it may be temporary, for many it seems to be a chronic condition.  A story from a recent PastorServe leter caught my eye as it discussed the magnitude of the problem in England.  The letter states: The United Kingdom recently created…


Are You Lonely?

If so, know that you are not the only one.  Loneliness seems to be increasing in near epidemic proportions.  In our upside down society, we have more tools to connect with the world around us than ever before, and yet, even with these advantages, so many find themselves isolated and disconnected.  One researcher discovered that…


Are You Living the Good Life?

What does that question even mean? When you hear that question, I wonder what comes to mind for you? For some, it conjures up pictures of laying on the beach, listening to the waves, with a cold drink in your hand, which somebody comes and refills without you even having to ask. Or perhaps it…


Are You Living a Consequential Life?

I recently heard a speaker who asked this very pointed question. He unapologetically stated that an inconsequential life is one that doesn’t make a difference. And one that doesn’t make a difference is wasted; and “A life that is wasted on earth is a tragedy.” Wow! Those are strong words and they may even feel…


Are You Listening to Me?

I recently sat with a client as he expressed his frustration over the fact that his wife doesn’t listen to him. Oh, she was present in the room but she wasn’t genuinely engaging with what he was saying. This would lead to him getting angry and sarcastic, which certainly wasn’t productive. As a matter of…


Are You Kind?

We often think of kindness as being nice or pleasant to someone.  But I want us to consider kindness as more purposeful today.  Ephesians 4:32 says that we are to be “kind and compassionate to one another.”  But what does that look like? I recently read a series of stories about individuals who set out…


Are You Kidding Yourself?

“Things will get better.” This is a phrase of encouragement that we use with regularity. And it is often very true. For example, you are sad at the loss of a pet – “Things will get better.” True. As we typically experience grief, experiences are integrated into our new normal and things do get better.…
