This Feels Eerily Familiar

Remember when you were newlyweds and love oozed out all over?  But then one day you walked in the door and your partner said, “I need to talk with you about something.”  A dark sense of dread enveloped you and you suddenly knew that the honeymoon must be over and you were in trouble.  How…


Three Ways to Get Out of the Rut

Are you in a rut?  If all your days seen to run together, you just might be.  We don’t typically go from doing great one day to being in a rut the next.  Instead, we are more likely to find ourselves growing complacent over time until we wake up one day, realizing we are stuck…


To the Moon

I remember growing up watching a TV show called the “Honeymooners”.  In that show, Jackie Gleason’s character would get mad at his wife and say, “To the Moon Alice.”  Well, now there is a nonprofit project called “Inspiration Mars” that plans to send a couple into space in 2018 to slingshot around the red planet…



Touch is an amazing communication tool that is frequently overlooked in marriage.  Now that may seem a strange comment.  I mean, we think of marriage and we think of hand-holding, kissing, and sexual intimacy – we think of touch.  But touch is not just limited to romantic touch. I recently had lunch with a pastor…


Turn Their Crank

I love hearing stories about how people are filled; what things lead to feeling valued and cherished – how they get their “crank turned.”  My wife is a public school administrator.  Occasionally, she will get a note from a past student or perhaps a card from a staff member, letting her know what an impact…


Two Steps to Improve Your Health and Life

You are probably thinking, “I know, I know – you’re going to tell me to eat better and exercise and I will be healthier.” While it is true that doing those two things would improve your health, you are only half right. A recent study confirmed that people who live a predominately sedentary lifestyle are…
