How Present Are You?

I recently read an article regarding Victoria Evans, a female rower who set a new world record for the fastest solo crossing of the Atlantic by a woman. Victoria made the trip in 40 days and 19 hors. She talked about various challenges that she had along the way. For example, she managed to lock…


Do You Have Their Back?

Most of us, at one time or another, have been in situations when we were angry, frustrated, or perhaps disappointed in our mate. This is normal. But the question then is, what do you do with those emotions? Some might answer, “Well, I go somewhere quiet and decompress.” “I reflect on what happened to see…


Most of us, at one time or another, have been in situations when we were angry, frustrated, or perhaps disappointed in our mate. This is normal. But the question then is, what do you do with those emotions? Some might answer, “Well, I go somewhere quiet and decompress.” “I reflect on what happened to see…


Why Do You Vacation?

That may seem like a strange question, as you are probably thinking things like – “To get away from it all,” “To take a break,” “To see new things,” or any number of reasons. But I ask that question today because someone ask me that last week. My wife and I were at a beach…


Can You Embrace Anticipation? – Part 2

Last time we looked at the benefits of embracing anticipation. It impacts our mood and overall well-being when we learn to appreciate the art of looking forward to something. So many times, people, kids especially, view delayed gratification as a negative or even as a punishment. I remember as an elementary kid, my grandmother promising…


How Do You Compare?

So, how does your marriage stack up with everyone else’s? Are you doing better than most or are you fearful that you are falling behind where you should be (whatever that means)? Or maybe a better question to ask is, “What does it matter?” Social media was originally created with probably good intent. However, it…
