How Do You Stop the FIght?

I sit with couples on a regular basis who argue and fight. They tell about their conflicts at home and they frequently live those conflicts out in my office. Fortunately, when they are sitting with me, I am often able to redirect them or get them to pause their thinking and consider other possibilities. When…


How Do You Support?

There is a story told that “Following a parade, the mayor of a large American city was walking with his wife when they passed a man sweeping the streets.  The wife recognized the street sweeper as one of her old high school boyfriends.  The three had a short conversation before the mayor and his wife…


How Do You Use Your Friends?

Now that may seem like a strange question. You may be thinking, “I don’t want to ‘use’ my friends. That wouldn’t be good.” And I agree. I am asking more about the role that your couples friends play in your own marriage. For example, I know of couples who feel as though their mate never…


How Far Can You Push?

A recent article asked this question in a number of ways.  It examined attempts that individuals have made to push their bodies to extremes.  For example: the longest someone has been able to last without solid food was 382 days; or the most friends (not Facebook friends) a person can have is 150; or the…


How Many Shades? – Part 1

It has been interesting to read all of the hype, hear about various interviews, and overhear conversations between people about the movie (based upon the book), Fifty Shades of Grey. While I am not in the habit of giving this space over to others, for this week and next week I want to condense and…


How Many Shades? – Part 2

Last week we began a look at some thoughts in light of the new movie, Fifty Shades of Grey, and writings on the subject by Hailey Smith.  (If you missed it, you might want to go to the website and read it –  We left off with, “We as ladies are living a double…


How Much Do You Laugh?

You may think this a strange question. But I would really be curious to know. You see laughter is so easily lost. I mean, life is serious stuff – there are wars and rumors of wars (hmm), hurricanes, wildfires, political divide, and the list goes on and on. You might think, “What is there to…
