Seeing Through Their Lens

I continue to marvel on a daily basis that humans are even able to communicate. To take a thought in my head, that is wrapped in my context and experiences – put those thoughts into words – send them out into the air – you hear the words and funnel them through the filter of…


Seize the Opportunity

It has been a long and somewhat frustrating day at work.  You arrive home planning to have a little solace in the front of the TV.  However, as you walk in the door, your spouse, who is bubbling with excitement wants to talk.  Talk – ugh – this requires thinking and brain cells that are…


Sex – Part 2

Last week we looked at the Gottman Institute study that demonstrated a connection between day to day partnering and increased levels of sexual intimacy.  Over time, the study determined, that the sexual connection was sustained when the wife felt respected and understood.  And these two components are communicated by accepting influence from one another and…


Sex – Part 3

In this final installment of discussing sex, I want to encourage you with a brief look at how to better crawl into connection with your spouse.  While that may seem strangely phrased to you, I am wanting you to picture getting into a place of safety.  Perhaps as a child you had a favorite tree…



Ok – now that I have your attention, let me acknowledge that when many of you see or hear the topic of sex broached in a discussion, a plethora of feelings may wash over you.  For some it may involve thoughts of connection and intimacy – for others, an ongoing battleground.  While I doubt that…


Shopping and Snowshoeing

What do you enjoy doing?  It might be hiking, watching football, sipping tea, or flower gardening.  We all have interests of some kind, with some being quite unique.  One of my sons is a veterinary technician.  When he first began school to pursue that career field, I think that he figured he would enjoy working…


Situational Blindness

I recently read a story about a couple in Oregon who were traveling back home from an out of town trip.  They were using their GPS as they navigated an unfamiliar route.  Nearing a small town, their GPS instructed them to turn off onto a little used forest road.  This was a result of their…


Still Dating

I remember a story from a number of years ago, that a friend related regarding his parents.  He said that when he was growing up, his “normal” was different from that of many of his school friends.  He related that his parents kissed in the kitchen every morning, his dad brought his mom flowers once…
