Can You Be Split?

Don’t be fooled! Those kids of yours are smarter than you may think. Oh, sure – they may look innocent enough, but they are shrewd. You see, with no training, those children somehow know how to take two seemingly intelligent adults and pit them against each other. They know and are competent at splitting us…

Are You Your Habits?

We all know what habits are, patterns that we get into as to how we do things. They become routine, second nature, things that we can just “do” without giving them much thought. Some habits are beneficial while others can be annoying, sometimes even destructive. For example, if you are in the habit of leaving…

Are You All In?

I just finished a session with a couple today that was frustrating for them and frustrating for me as well. Why? Because they are not all in. It won’t surprise you to know that I see couples who are having “issues.” All of them. This couple today was no exception. They have been separated for…

The Welfare of Our Children

“Research shows that about 45 percent of youth in the U.S. now spend some time without a biological parent by late adolescence.”  And for children from disadvantaged socioeconomic groups, the numbers are even higher. A sociologist from Princeton University states: “If we were asked to design a system for making sure that children’s basic needs…

Are You Listening to Me?

I recently sat with a client as he expressed his frustration over the fact that his wife doesn’t listen to him. Oh, she was present in the room but she wasn’t genuinely engaging with what he was saying. This would lead to him getting angry and sarcastic, which certainly wasn’t productive. As a matter of…