How Do You Compare?

So, how does your marriage stack up with everyone else’s? Are you doing better than most or are you fearful that you are falling behind where you should be (whatever that means)? Or maybe a better question to ask is, “What does it matter?” Social media was originally created with probably good intent. However, it…


When it is Hard to Talk

We all have times when conversation flows pretty easily, as well as other occasions when communication can be strained. Then there are those times when it is downright difficult. So, what can you do to jump start your conversations with your mate? I want to suggest 4 strategies today to help reinvigorate your communication. 1)…


Is There Anything Left to Learn?

You’ve been married for 20 years plus. Life with your spouse has become predictable. For the most part, you know each other’s habits and idiosyncrasies, and maybe can even complete each other’s sentences. So, the question is – is there anything left to learn. While it may not feel as though there is, I would…


The Best Apology!

How would you sum up what a great apology looks like? You probably want it to be sincere, but what else? There are certainly things that can cancel out an apology. For example, if someone has deeply hurt you and they toss a flippant “Sorree,” your way, I doubt that you feel any better. You…


What Do You Bring Out?

Have you ever heard someone make the statement, “He/She just brings out the worst in me?” Usually, the statement is made by the person who has just reacted angrily, said something inappropriate, or done something foolish. But rather than own their misbehavior, they attempt to place the blame on the other person by making it…
